Will A Dehumidifier Help With Dust?

Dehumidifiers are great for a lot of things but can they help you get rid of dust? Let’s dive in and find out.

Based on my experience using a dehumidifier, I can’t exactly say that it has helped me get rid of dust in my home but it has made the air in my room “fresher/cleaner” by eliminating excess moisture and moldy smell, especially in my basement.

A dehumidifier will absorb the excess moisture in your home, which could also reduce the levels of dust in a room because the humidity in the air also traps dust particles. If you check the water in your dehumidifier, you will notice that it’s often grayish and that’s because of the dust, microbes, and dirt particles removed from the air in your home.

So technically, a dehumidifier can help with reducing the levels of dust in your home, but if your home is very dusty, it might not be the perfect solution for getting rid of the dust.

In this post, we will cover the following:

Will a Dehumidifier Help with Dust?

While a dehumidifier can reduce the amount of dust in your home, it is not the best device for addressing a serious dust problem in a room.

A dehumidifier will reduce dust from your room in two main ways:

Absorbing humidity

If your room has high levels of humidity and your room is also dusty, your dehumidifier will remove some of the dust particles from the air along with the excess humidity.

As the humidity-filled air passes through the fans of the dehumidifier, the dirt and dust particles in the air will be eliminated along with the excess moisture content.

After using a dehumidifier for a few days, you might notice that the humidity levels in your room along with the level of dust have decreased (especially if you are using a large-sized or whole-house dehumidifier).

Aside from that, you will also notice that the water collected in your dehumidifier is grayish or brownish, or not as clear as your tap water.

Mold and Mildew

Another way a dehumidifier can help with dust is by reducing the risk of mold growth. Excess moisture in the air can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can contribute to the amount of dust in your home. By removing excess moisture from the air, a dehumidifier can help reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth and, in turn, help to reduce the amount of dust in your home.

Another way a dehumidifier can help with dust is by improving indoor air quality. High levels of humidity can cause the air to feel stuffy and oppressive, which can make it more difficult to breathe and may exacerbate respiratory issues. By removing excess moisture from the air, a dehumidifier can help improve indoor air quality and make it easier to breathe.

In addition, a dehumidifier can help to reduce static electricity, which can cause dust and other particles to become more easily suspended in the air. By reducing static electricity, a dehumidifier can help to reduce the amount of dust that becomes airborne.

While a dehumidifier can’t directly reduce the amount of dust in your home, it can create a more conducive environment for reducing dust and improving indoor air quality. In addition to using a dehumidifier, there are a few other ways you can help reduce dust in your home, including regularly cleaning and dusting surfaces, using air purifiers, and keeping windows closed to reduce the amount of outdoor dust that enters your home.

While it can’t directly absorb large quantities of dust from your surrounding environment, a dehumidifier can create a more conducive environment for reducing dust and improving overall indoor air quality. Remember that the ‘gray water’ absorbed by a dehumidifier also contains dust particles, meaning that a dehumidifier absorbs some of the dust from the air in your home.

To learn more about how a dehumidifier works and its potential to reduce the level of dust in the air around your home, check out the recommended article below on why you might notice brown stuff in your dehumidifier.

Recommended: Why my dehumidifier has brown stuff in it

Frequently Asked Questions on Dehumidifiers and Air Quality

Is a humidifier or dehumidifier better for dust?

It is important to note that both humidifiers and dehumidifiers can have an impact on dust in your home but in different ways.

A humidifier adds moisture to the air, which can help to reduce the amount of dust in your home. This is because dry air can cause static electricity, which can cause dust and other particles to become more easily suspended in the air. By adding moisture to the air, a humidifier can help to reduce static electricity and, in turn, reduce the amount of dust that becomes airborne.

On the other hand, a dehumidifier removes moisture from the air, which can also help to reduce the amount of dust in your home.

This is because excess moisture in the air can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can contribute to the amount of dust in your home. By removing excess moisture from the air, a dehumidifier can help reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth and, in turn, help to reduce the amount of dust in your home.

So, which is better for dust – a humidifier or a dehumidifier? The answer will depend on the specific humidity levels in your home. If the air in your home is too dry, a humidifier can help to add moisture to the air and reduce the amount of dust.

On the other hand, if the air in your home is too humid, a dehumidifier can help to remove excess moisture from the air and reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth, which can help to reduce the amount of dust in your home.

Both humidifiers and dehumidifiers can have an impact on dust in your home but in different ways. A humidifier can help to reduce static electricity and, in turn, reduce the amount of dust that becomes airborne, while a dehumidifier can help to reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth and, in turn, reduce the amount of dust in your home. The best choice for you will depend on the specific humidity levels in your home.

Can a dehumidifier make a room too dry?

It’s possible for a dehumidifier to make a room too dry if it’s not used properly or if the humidity levels in the room are already low.

Proper use of a dehumidifier involves setting the device to the appropriate humidity level for your specific needs and regularly monitoring and adjusting the settings as needed. If the dehumidifier is set to a level that is too low for the humidity levels in the room, it can remove too much moisture from the air, resulting in dry air.

It’s also possible for a dehumidifier to make a room too dry if the humidity levels in the room are already low. In this case, the dehumidifier may not have much moisture to remove and could end up reducing the humidity levels in the room too much.

To avoid making a room too dry with a dehumidifier, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions by setting the device to the appropriate humidity level for your specific needs.

You should also regularly monitor and adjust the settings as needed to ensure the humidity levels in the room are not too low. If you notice that the air in the room feels too dry, you can try increasing the humidity level or using a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

A dehumidifier can make a room too dry if it’s not used properly or if the humidity levels in the room are already low. To avoid this, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and set the device to the appropriate humidity level for your specific needs, and regularly monitor and adjust the settings as needed.

Can dehumidifiers make dampness worse?

It’s possible for a dehumidifier to make dampness worse if it’s not used properly or if there are underlying issues causing the dampness in the first place.

One potential issue is that the dehumidifier may not be powerful enough to effectively remove the excess moisture in the air. If the dehumidifier is not able to keep up with the humidity levels in the room, it may not be able to effectively reduce the dampness. In this case, you may need to consider using a larger or more powerful dehumidifier.

Another potential issue is that the dehumidifier may not be positioned properly in the room. Dehumidifiers work best when they are placed in an area with good air circulation, as this helps to ensure that the device can effectively remove moisture from the air.

Suppose the dehumidifier is placed in a poorly ventilated area or blocked by furniture or other objects. In that case, it may not be able to effectively remove moisture from the air and could potentially make the dampness worse.

It’s also possible that the dampness in the room is being caused by underlying issues, such as leaks or improper ventilation. In this case, using a dehumidifier may not effectively address the problem and could worsen the dampness.

To avoid making dampness worse with a dehumidifier, it’s important to ensure that the device is properly sized for the room and positioned in an area with good air circulation. It’s also important to address any underlying issues causing the dampness, such as leaks or improper ventilation.

A dehumidifier can make dampness worse if it’s not used properly or if there are underlying issues causing the dampness. To avoid this, it’s important to ensure that the dehumidifier is properly sized and positioned and to address any underlying issues causing the dampness.

Can a dehumidifier make mold worse?

It is possible for a dehumidifier to make mold worse if it’s not used properly or if there are underlying issues causing mold growth.

One potential issue is that the dehumidifier may not be powerful enough to effectively remove the excess moisture in the air. If the dehumidifier is not able to keep up with the humidity levels in the room, it may not be able to effectively reduce the risk of mold growth. In this case, you may need to consider using a larger or more powerful dehumidifier.

Another potential issue is that the dehumidifier may not be positioned properly in the room. Dehumidifiers work best when they are placed in an area with good air circulation, as this helps to ensure that the device can effectively remove moisture from the air.

If the dehumidifier is placed in a poorly ventilated area or blocked by furniture or other objects, it may not be able to effectively remove moisture from the air and could potentially make the mold worse.

It’s also possible that the mold growth in the room is caused by underlying issues, such as leaks or improper ventilation. In this case, using a dehumidifier may not effectively address the problem and could potentially make the mold worse.

To avoid making mold worse with a dehumidifier, it’s important to ensure that the device is properly sized for the room and positioned in an area with good air circulation. It’s also important to address any underlying issues causing mold growth, such as leaks or improper ventilation.

Can it be too cold to run a dehumidifier?

It’s generally not recommended to run a dehumidifier in extremely cold temperatures, as this can cause the device to freeze and potentially become damaged.

Most dehumidifiers have a minimum operating temperature, the lowest temperature at which the device is designed to function properly, which is typically around 41-50°F (5-10°C). If the temperature in the room falls below this minimum operating temperature, the dehumidifier may not be able to function properly and could potentially become damaged.

In addition, if the temperature in the room is too cold, the dehumidifier may not be able to effectively remove moisture from the air. This is because cold air has a lower capacity for holding moisture than warm air, which means that the dehumidifier may not have as much moisture to remove. As a result, the device may not be able to reduce humidity levels in the room effectively.

To avoid running a dehumidifier in extremely cold temperatures, it’s important to check the manufacturer’s instructions for the minimum operating temperature of your specific device. If the temperature in the room falls below this minimum operating temperature, it’s generally best to turn off the dehumidifier and wait until the temperature rises before using it again.

It’s generally not recommended to run a dehumidifier in extremely cold temperatures, as this can cause the device to freeze and potentially become damaged. It’s important to check the manufacturer’s instructions for the minimum operating temperature of your specific dehumidifier and avoid running the device in temperatures below this level.


A dehumidifier can be a useful tool for removing excess moisture from the air and reducing the risk of mold growth in your home, which to some capacity can make your home less dusty. If your home has excess dust, it might be a good idea to clean the place thoroughly and try to identify the source of the excess dust.

In terms of getting rid of dust, a dehumidifier will only be able to remove a limited level of dust from your indoor space.

It is important to use the device properly and address any underlying issues causing the excess moisture or mold growth to effectively reduce these problems. This includes ensuring that the dehumidifier is properly sized for the room and positioned in an area with good air circulation, and addressing any underlying issues such as leaks or improper ventilation.

By properly using a dehumidifier and addressing any underlying issues, you can help improve indoor air quality and enhance the overall comfort and safety of your home.

Meet the Author

The author is a blogger, interior design and home improvement enthusiast, and researcher, with a passion for helping people improve their homes by creating a calming and beautiful environment. Check out the about author page to learn more about her work